Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I don't really care if anyone reads this. It is mostly for my thoughts and feelings. What really made me begin was E telling me about rainbows. I don't want to forget that and what it made me feel like

E asked me the other morning if I had ever seen a rainbow, I replied that I had, but she continues as though I hadn't spoken at all. I saw a rainbow, mommy told me what it was. "It was so beautiful. With the words drawn out. Sooo beeuutyfull. With a hard t, no one uses a hard t anymore. Not even people with a t in their names. Why is this?

E went on to say more things that I didn't know that 4 year olds thought about. I don't think most do. This child seems to be more in touch with her thought and feelings than most her age, Is it because she is the youngest in her family. At thanksgiving she was thankful for her mommy and daddy copying her big brother. She has a very large vocabulary. Brought on I suppose for the same reasons. I asked her one time if she knew what the word she had just used meant. She looked at me like of course silly and went on to explane it's meaning to me as though I needed instruction. Does this come for her mother being a teacher?

Just things I think when, this child speaks to me. I know her brother has a rather large vocabulary as well but I don't remember thinking these things at the time. I was suprised at his vocabulary but took it pretty much for granted. (
both of his parents being well educated)

I have many more things to write about, that at the moment escape me. It will occur to me later to add, so may have add short thoughts several times a day.

This one in particular I wanted to remember. I wish I'd had this option when my children were small. How I would enjoy reading those now. My children and grandchildren are the most important people in the world. Nothing I own is worth what they are to me.

Please family take this as my obversations not critisism. Only my thoughts, my editorial.

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